Suggested Mill Levy Timeline

January - March Board defines goals and prepares budget for upcoming year, determines if an exceeded mill levy election will be needed.
April-May Trustees communicate with city or county commissioners about budget and the exceeded mill levy needs.
June - July Board seeks out the legal requirements and ballot language.
August - September Trustees recruit for Board/citizens' task force and appoint task force members.
October - December Task force identifies funding sources and develops the petition. Task force presents recommendations to the trustees. Trustees adopt task force recommendations and support petition.
January Task force circulates petition, which must be signed by at least five percent of the resident taxpayers. Trustees meet with city or county clerk to review ballot language. Trustees and commissioners meet to discuss petition and election. Trustees and task force hold an informational meeting about the adopted mill levy vote.
February Board files petition with governing body at least 90 days prior to the general election. Task force recruits a citizens' campaign committee.
March - May Citizen's campaign committee prepares facts, fliers and other materials; holds information meetings for the public; and implements other steps in publicity campaign.
June Election*

*Develop comparable timelines for elections not in June by working back from the date of election.