End of Manual

We've tried to talk about most aspects of your job as library director. You are responsible for many different things, and it can be overwhelming. Here is some advice from Patti McKenzie, the former library director in Chouteau County, on how to survive the first year.

  1. It will get easier. You have staff and your own talents and abilities to get you through the hard stuff. Eventually you'll find yourself keeping up with the library and all that is required of you.
  2. Remain calm - it is not your library, it is a public library. All patron viewpoints are important. Remember this when the patron is complaining about something. Respecting others is the best customer service technique you can use.

If you have questions about your new job, please contact the Montana State Library at 1-800-338-5087. We're here to help you. Good Luck!

ASPeN: The New Library Directory

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