Getting Boards to Attend Meetings and Plan for the Library

Are you having problems with board members not attending the meeting? If the answer is yes, ask yourself these questions. Working on these issues may help you get better attendance.

Are meetings businesslike and productive? Follow Robert's Rules of Order

Are meetings under two hours?

Are the agenda items board level or trivial?

Is everyone encouraged to participate?

Does another board member contact the missing members and encourage them to attend next time?

How can you get board members to participate in library planning?

Be positive.

Get board members to buy into the process. If a board member is enthused about something, ask for that member to chair a committee or help in developing that plan or policy. Try to include community members, staff, etc. on the committee.

Get a wide range of ideas from the community.

Follow a schedule for board meetings. For example meet 2nd Tuesday of every month.

Get the board excited

Brainstorm ideas

Serve food

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